Second public exhibition on 21 August 2024

 Local residents are being invited to view a proposal for a new Renewable Energy Park off the A823 in Fife.  

The proposal, for a solar farm and battery storage units is a joint venture between two well-established companies, REG Power Developments and Grupotec,  will be on display at a public exhibition in Saline on 21 August 2024.

This is the second - and final - public exhibition ahead of the developers submitting an application for consent to the Scottish Government’s Energy Consents Unit later this year.

 The project team will be on hand to answer any questions that local people may have and to gather views and feedback on the proposal.  

 Detailed information will be on display, including the main environmental topic areas that have been assessed such as visual impact; transport and access; biodiversity and ecology; peat; cultural heritage; flood risk and hydrology and decommissioning at the end of its expected 40-year life. 

Speaking about the consultation event, Justin Reid, Project Manager said, “Please come along and meet the team, find out about the project and ask your questions. We are keen to take on feedback as we finalise our plans, ahead of submitting an application for consent to the Scottish Government’s Energy Consents Unit, later this year.” 

 Anyone not able to attend, who wants to find out more, can download a PDF of the exhibition panels here.

The public exhibition will be held on Wednesday 21 August 2024, 4-8pm (drop in) at Saline Parish Church Hall, Main Street, Saline, Dunfermline, KY12 9TL.  


Get involved in our consultation on 14 March 2024