Renewable energy Generation
The proposal will make an important contribution to Scotland’s net zero targets and in particular, the Scotland-specific target for the deployment of solar PV. The Scottish Government’s forthcoming Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan will commit to a deployment ambition of at least 4GW, but up to 6GW, of solar power by 2030. This will mean a more than tenfold increase in the number of solar panels installed in Scotland and requires at least one project of the scale of the Nettly Burn Renewable Energy Park to be built every two months for the next seven years!
Community Benefit Fund
We will work with the community to establish a benefit fund over the planned 40-year life of the project to be used by loal peple on local projects and initiatives. Typically, funds can be used for conservation projects; upgrading community facilities such as halls and playgrounds; air source heat pumps and solar panels for community buildings and support for staff working with community groups. We would welcome your views on how you think the commity benefit funds could be spent.
Economic Benefits
The project will contribute to the local economy, directly - by creating construction-related jobs - and indirectly, in the supply chain. While the construction period is limited, this can be an important stimulus to the local economy and have knock-on impacts in terms of trickle-down spend. There will be a range of contracts available for tender. Further jobs will be created once the scheme is operational. The project will also make an ongoing contribution to the local and wider economy, through business rates.
Increased Biodiversity
Biodiversity and habitat improvements will form an integral part of the proposal, the intention of which will be to improve biodiversity on site and to explore opportunities for peat restoration. Proposals to enhance local wildlife will be included as well as new hedgerow planting alongside existing vegetation by the road frontage which will help to screen the development from view. Solar farms are a fully reversible form of development allowing for the restoration of land to its former use at the end of a project’s operational lifetime.